Nutritional Therapy is an evidenced based complimentary medicine aimed at nourishing all body systems to ensure they are in balance which will enable them to function properly resulting in optimal health and wellness.
Whether you just want to improve your diet to enhance your health or suffer from a chronic condition you can benefit from seeing a nutritional therapist.
Nutritional therapy uses a holistic approach. A comprehensive health history is taken as well as an analysis of diet and lifestyle. This allows the nutritional therapist not only to identify and support symptoms but also to discover the root cause of what may be predisposing the symptoms a client is experiencing.
Following an in-depth initial consultation, a personalised, individual, tailor made plan is developed for the client to follow. This will include Nutritional Support, lifestyle advice and recommended supplementation where appropriate. Occasionally private testing maybe also recommended but this will be discussed with the client.
Clients will have ongoing support from me as per the service packages described below.
Nutritional Therapy is not meant to replace conventional medicine but to compliment it by working alongside healthcare professionals involved in a client’s healthcare. I may refer a client to their GP if appropriate.
I offer a range of 1-1 consultation packages which differ according to your health needs. They are individually tailored to your specific health and wellness goals.
I also run online group programmes for clients who wish to balance their hormones, support GUT health or cleanse their liver to support detoxification. I can provide these programmes on an individual basis if appropriate
I am passionate about supporting you to regain your health and vitality so you can feel more energised and vibrant.
Sometimes it can feel like a long road to achieve your health and wellbeing goals which is why my 1-1 consultation packages vary. This enables me to give you the time and support you need to create new diet and lifestyle habits to help you to achieve your health goals.
This is for you if you want a tailored package designed to provide you with essential tools for you to enhance your health and wellbeing
In depth diet, health and lifestyle assessment
1 initial consultation up to 2 hrs
2 follow up consultations up to 1 hr
Personalised Nutrition and Lifestyle Plan
Personalised Supplement Plan if necessary
Functional Testing and Interpretation if required ( This will not be done without your permission and can incur extra cost)
Recipe ideas if needed
E mail or telephone support in between 1-1 appts
This package is for you if you have suffered or are suffering from an illness or condition and need support to heal and recover. It is designed to identify the root cause of your symptoms and to get you back on the road to health
In depth diet, health and lifestyle assessment
1 initial consultation up to 2 hrs
5 follow up consultations up to 1 hr
Personalised Nutrition and Lifestyle Plan
Personalised Supplement Plan if necessary
Functional Testing and Interpretation if required (This will not be done without your permission and can incur extra cost)
Recipe ideas if needed
E mail or telephone support in between 1-1 appts
This package is for you if you have suffered from a health condition for a long time. This package is designed to support you to make long term diet and lifestyle changes but taking things at a slower pace with more 1-1 support from me
In depth diet, health and lifestyle assessment
1 initial consultation up to 2 hrs
8 follow up consultations up to 1 hr
Personalised Nutrition and Lifestyle Plan
Personalised Supplement Plan if necessary
Functional Testing and Interpretation if required (This will not be done without your permission and can incur extra cost)
Recipe ideas if needed
E mail or telephone support in between 1-1 appts
One off consultations are unlikely to achieve your health goals which is why these packages have been created .
Maintenance 1-1 consultations are also available for any of the above packages if you need that extra bit of help to keep you on track
Clients are welcome to start with the Basic Package and continue onto the other packages if they feel they need extra support
All of the above can be discussed on your free discovery call to determine what is best for you
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